Tuesday, June 10, 2008

No, Finland is not Norway...the Nords are much nicer.......

well, what can I say, I made it this far....the flight from Tokyo was HELL. Despite my fluent Japanese (herro.....Olange Juice Preez...)the flight, the passengers and the length of time it took to go to Helsinki were nothing short of nightmarish! Much like the June rains in Japan, helsinki has also attempted to wash away my sins by raining most of yesterday and today. So that put a dampener on my stay here. So much so that i have decided to reward myself with an even longer stay, a side trip to Estonia (thank God I remembered my Fluro Eurovision outfit along with my own entry "Ken Lee, adibi dibi dachooo" ) and to top it all off, a Kylie ticket has landed in my very hands just this afternoon (proof after all that there is a God and she likes Kylie) and so my plans on Friday are fully booked! (See Ola, you're not the only one to see Kylie this week...but Kylie and Dolly Parton on two consecutive nights? are you some kind of poof? You Swedes......)Should you wish to send me messages of congratulations, you may do so on the following number....+35403269856it is my new finnish mobile number. Missing everyone to absolute bits, and a final few words to live by....Vodafone Australia are a bunch of kunts, don't even think of trying to roam with them in Europe! PS...apologies for the mass mail....I have been exhausting myself senseless with touristy stuff and have had limited internet access (not to mention trying to use a puzzling Japanese keyboard). I am also using the free internet of the hotel that I stayed in last night. the least they can do for making me pay the money I paid. A tzar's ransom. Won't they be surprised when I rock up for breakfast tomorrow morning....despite the 'fresh from frozen' fruit salad and deer meat pate! Thanks Scandic.

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