Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Finnish hospitality and medicinal vodka!

So, I went out last night to a bar that I found whilst looking for the local gay scene. I stumbled across this bar called Bar Albert. Nothing to write home about but they did serve a mean vodka with lemonade! (for some unknown reason, this is a very unusual drink here!!!) This guy started to chat me up and bought me a couple of finnish shots...tasted like a good way. Well, it hit my stomach, then my head, and almost put me in a coma, which was perfect because this guy was so FREAKIN boring. he was a gardener and talked to me about different garden styles. I stated that Finland didnt have its own unique style but had plundered ideas from the garden rich states of France, Britain etc. He disagreed. WHATEVER. YAWN. I wanted to push him in front of a bus. I walked over to a couple who were chatting and asked them if i could pretend to be their friend for a while to get away from this guy. What started as an avoidance tactic turned in to an all-night drinking dancing session. friends came and went, different bars were visited....and we drank and drank and drank until we couldn't drink any more. Finally we ended up at McDonalds at about 7 am this morning (thank god for McToilets). we then stumbled to the apartment of one of the guys, thanks Mikko, for letting me stay, and thanks Matte for letting me snuggle up to you whilst i slept. Mikko, how could you then go to work? URGH!!!!

So come 4pm we leave the apartment after sleeping all day, I go back to the hostel and crash. I can't sleep so i use the internet at the hotel..because i can... but all I want to do is have a 24 hour sleep. Still paying heavily for the Tokyo flight! I am supposed to be meeting another guy tonight (yay for gaydar) but i may have to cancel. I don't think I could survive another big heavy night.

Another rainy day in Helsinki, not good for sightseeing, so i don't feel guilty about not having done any! I need to go now and line my stomach with food! au revoir for now!

1 comment:

ccf said...

wow wow wow so you're in Finland right now?
I found Helsinki quite boring and (I was there only 12 hours, but that was the impression I got) Tallinn is much nicer, stop getting drunk and GO! Viking Lines are cheap and nice - not to mention the lovely russian-speaking staff that will heartily welcome you! -please note the irony in my words-